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Volunteer  - Australia

Becoming a Suicide Prevention Volunteer

There are many organizations that are doing incredible things in terms of suicide prevention. Most of these great organizations offer many different ways in which you can volunteer your time. Feel free to search through as many as you like until you find the one that is right for you and begin your journey to becoming a volunteer today.

Choose the site that best suits you and volunteer today

LIFELINE is always seeking to recruit volunteers. We want people from all walks of life who would like to make a commitment to regular volunteer work and who are willing to learn new skills, support others and work within our vision and values.

HEADSPACE Since 2006, headspace has helped those aged 12-25 by providing tailored and holistic mental health support at crucial times, helping young people get back on track and improving their ability to manage their mental health.

BEYOND BLUE:  Volunteering for Beyond Blue is a great way to encourage conversations about mental health in the community, reduce the stigma and help reduce the impact of anxiety and depression.

SAMARITANS AUSTRALIA: We support you to support others. Our comprehensive training is led by experienced Samaritans, who themselves have undergone advanced training to deliver an interactive program to our new volunteers.

If you know of any other helpful suicide prevention volunteer opportunities, please let us know so we can review and add their website to our listing.

If you know of any other helpful suicide prevention volunteer opportunities, please let us know so we can review and add their website to our listing.


LIFELINE is always seeking to recruit volunteers. We want people from all walks of life who would like to make a commitment to regular volunteer work and who are willing to learn new skills, support others and work within our vision and values.


Since 2006, headspace has helped those aged 12-25 by providing tailored and holistic mental health support at crucial times, helping young people get back on track and improving their ability to manage their mental health.


Volunteering for Beyond Blue is a great way to encourage conversations about mental health in the community, reduce the stigma and help reduce the impact of anxiety and depression.


We support you to support others. Our comprehensive training is led by experienced Samaritans, who themselves have undergone advanced training to deliver an interactive program to our new volunteers.

If you know of any other helpful suicide prevention volunteer opportunities, please let us know so we can review and add their website to our listing.

If you are having serious suicidal urges right now, call the emergency services or call a suicide hotline