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Get A Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Safely and Anonymously get the help you need

What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)? A VPN is basically a type of network that allows users to connect to the Internet (or a private network) securely and anonymously. No hardware is needed, just download and start using.

People use VPN’s to: protect sensitive data on their device, increase the privacy of online chats, avoid being tracked online, surf the web safely on unsecured internet connections, avoid being hacked, and to legally access geographically blocked content (YouTube, Netflix, Hulu etc),

For people who would like to keep their identity and location private for online chat therapy sessions, or who would like to access helpful distractions but are geographically restricted from doing so, a VPN is an excellent solution.

Choose a vpn

Placeholder Picture NordVPN

Get secure and private access to the internet. Protect all your devices and enjoy fast and stable connection anywhere.


Placeholder Picture Surfshark

Secure your digital life. Use Surfshark to make sure your location is private and your sensitive data is secure, at all times.

Placeholder Picture PureVPN

Security & Anonymity. Your privacy is guaranteed with our anonymous VPN IPs, military-grade encryption, and global network of VPN servers.

Placeholder Picture CyberGhost

Stay safe and be anonymous online.
Shield your personal data from the prying eyes of authorities and hackers with CyberGhost VPN.

Suicide Stop earns advertising revenue by advertising and linking to the above VPN service providers. When you click on their link and use their service, not only are you protecting yourself, but you are also supporting us in our fight against suicide.